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Black Hills District School - Fall 2022

South Dakota Firefighters Association

Black Hills District School - Fall 2022

Saturday, October 8, 2022 (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) (MDT)



FIRE BUILDING VENTILATION (ALL DAY CLASS) - An often under utilized skill, ventilation is an extremely important part of successful fireground operations. This course will discuss theory and practices of effective horizontal ventilation, to include the use of Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPV) and a coordinated attack.  Students will also be introduced to basic smoke reading principles.  This training includes an hands-on portion at an acquired structure, and will have live props to demonstrate smoke movement.

INSTRUCTOR:  Captain Tyler Powell

TRAINING STRATEGIES:  SOLIDIFYING CORE SKILLS (AM ONLY CLASS) - This class will provide several drills for solidifying core firefighting skills which can be completed during scheduled training or during down-time around your firehouse.  Ideas for training will be presented and discussed during the class.

INSTRUCTOR:  Chief Adam Kuenkel

HANDLINE MANAGEMENT (PM ONLY CLASS) - This class will focus on efficient handline management with an emphasis on limited staffing scenarios.  The student will learn techniques on moving and positioning a handline for optimal performance, utilizing both fog and smoothbore nozzles.  This is a hands-on class, utilizing a prop and an acquired structure.  PPE and SCBA REQUIRED.

INSTRUCTOR:  Firefighter Nick Knotek


Your South Dakota Firefighters Association provides $14,000 ($2K per District), per year in financial assistance to help offset the instructional costs of providing Regional District Fire Schools.

There is no cost for registration, however a $10 donation is requested to cover meal costs.

INFO/REGISTRATION:  Eric Chase (605) 517-0149 or email @


Box Elder Fire Department
BOX ELDER, SD 57719 United States
Event Contact
Eric Chase
(605) 517-0149
Send Email
Saturday, October 8, 2022 (7:00 AM - 5:00 PM) (MDT)

Registration prior to start of classes

Classes 08:00-17:00 with ~noon lunch break

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