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SDFA Fall Conference - Presentation Submission Form

The SDFA is always on the hunt for new instructors, classes and presentation ideas for the Annual Fall Firefighters Conference.  The Conference is typically held roughly late September/early October (the dates for 2024 - September 27th-29th.  This event is attended by approximately ~110 attendees and presentations are usually lecture type presentaitons.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal for a presenting please fill out the following form as completely as possible.  That form will be forwarded to the SDFA Board members for review.  Should the SDFA Board be interested in the idea a board member will be in contact to obtain further information.  Keep in mind that presentations are typically locked down for the coming year some 9-12 months ahead of the event.

The event runs 3 days beginning Friday late afternoon/evening, the first day typically is registration and an evening social/mixer, but some presentation time could be scheduled Friday later afternoon/early evening.  Saturday is generally a mix of SDFA Membership Meetings and presentations from keynote presenters or possibly other State/Federal Agencies wishing to share information with the Fire Service and the annual SD Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice In the Line of Duty.  Sunday is generally a mix of finishing up SDFA Membership Meetings and keynote presentations.  When submitting proposals, keep in mind the demographics and potential attendees of your presentation.  South Dakota is a state that is made up of roughly ~330 fire departments, most of which are rural and 100% volunteer, there are roughly ~5 100% career departments and a hand-full or two of combination departments.

You can click HERE to view the schedule from 2023, and to give you a rough idea of the format of the event here is a copy of the 2023 Fall Firefighters Conference Booklet.

If you are interested in being and presenter at the Annual Fall Firefighters Conference, please fill out the following form.

Thank you for your interest!

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Primary Contact Information
Please fill out your contact information, or in the case of a class with multiple instructors please provide data for the primary/lead contact.

Primary Contact - First Name

Primary Contact - Last Name

Primary Contact - Name of Organization Affiliated with (if applicable)

Primary Contact - Title (if applicable)

Primary Contact - email address

Primary Contact - Phone # (enter best number to contact you)

Primary Contact - Address Line 1

Primary Contact - Address Line 2

Primary Contact - City

Primary Contact - State

Primary Contact - Zip Code

Use this field to enter any additional Primary Contact information you deem relevant.

Primary/Lead Instructor Information
Please provide details for the Primary/Lead Instructor, in the case of a class with multiple instructors we can obtain further data on other instructors should the proposal be accepted.

Please indicate roughly how long your have been instructing for the Fire Service.

If you have instructed at other State or Regional Fire Schools please let us know where and when in the following text box.  In the case of multiple instructors please summarize.

Please use the following text box to provide a brief instructor bio.  In the case of multiple instructors please summarize.  NOTE:  We often provide instructor bios. on our registration page with the class descriptions, brief bios. seem to be best, if they are too long the are often un-read.

Class/Presentation Details
Please provide as many details as possible so we can best understand the proposed Class/Presentation

Please provide the title/name of the proposed Class/Presentation

Please provide a description of the class/presentation you are proposing.  NOTE:  Class descriptions are listed on our website and registration page for attendees to view to help them choose their class selection and are generally one of the items most considered by our attendees when choosing a class.  Please include learning objectives.

Roughly how many hours of time will your presentation last?

Please list the number of instructors you plan to use to present the class/presentation

Class/Presentation Proposed/Estimated Costs
Please provide as much detail as possible to we can best understand the costs associated with your Class/Presentation. Include only those items the instructor(s) will be providing, if there are supplies/props that we will need to provide the SDFA Board will figure those costs. We typically take care of making lodging arrangements for our instructors and cover those costs. Include such things as: Travel, Instructor(s) Fees/Honorarium, Meals, Supplies, Incidentals

Please list TOTAL estimated travel costs, in the case of multiple instructors please list TOTAL estimated for all instructors.

Please list the estimated total cost of instructor fees/honorariums.  In the case of a class with multiple instructors please list TOTAL estimated cost for all.

If applicable and not included in Instructor(s) Fees/Honorarium please least TOTAL estimated cost for Meals/Per-Diem.  We typically provide a noon meal to all students and instructors on Friday and Saturday as part of the event.

Please list the TOTAL estimated cost of any needed Supplies, Props, Etc.... (NOTE:  Do NOT include supplies and props that the SDFA Board will be providing)

Please provide estimated TOTAL cost of any Incidentals/Misc. items not previously accounted for.

Please enter any relevant information related to costs related to your proposal that should be considered or further information to explain the above listed costs.


Please use the text box below to list any relevant information not mentioned above.

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