Heavy Rescue Operations
6-hour - all day
North Marshall Fire Station
This class is open to all ranks, Fire and EMS. This class is very hands on. Multiple heavy rescue scenarios will be set up to work through. You will learn about stabilization, extrication, tow truck operations, and much more.
Instructors Warren Moe, Andy Wicks and others.
Rapid Intervention Team (RIT)
6-hour - all day
North Marshall Fire Station
This class will focus on taking care of our own. From firefighter maydays to rescue operations on the fireground. This class will be a full hands-on class.
Live Fire Training – Live Fire Attack & Technique
6-hour - all day
North Marshall Fire Station
Ron Hines
Training will consist of a short AM classroom session covering basic principles of Safety, SCBA and Fire Streams. The remainder of the AM and all afternoon will be spent doing hands on training with Live Fire. Participants will put their knowledge and skills to use in the two-story Mobile Live Fire Training Unit. Any students needing to fulfill the ‘Live Fire Training’ portion of their SD FF Certification Blue Card should bring it to class. Equipment Requirements: Students must have full Structural PPE (including hood) and SCBA in GOOD & SERVICEABLE condition that was NFPA compliant at manufacture date. If possible a spare SCBA cylinder should be brought as well.
Instructors: South Dakota MLFTU Instructors
** Live Fire Training is dependent on weather being above freezing temperatures
Pump Operations - 3 hours - Morning Session
3 hour - AM Only
North Marshall Fire Station
Chris Noeldner - Lieutenant - Watertown Fire & Rescue
This class is geared to all firefighters. The instructor will take participants through pump operations scenarios. This class is always well attended, so please sign up ASAP.
Fire Reporting - Saturday AM only
3 hour - AM Only
North Marshall Fire Station
Doug Hinkle
This class will discuss the new NERIS reporting system as well as talk about the importance of fire reporting.
How to Command Large Wildland Fires and Natural Disasters - Saturday PM Only
3 hour - PM Only
North Marshall Fire Station
Kyle Moser
This course will give you the opportunity to learn from some of the firefighters who have worked some of the larger wildland fires and natural disasters in Eastern SD in recent years. Discussion will be based on how the incident command structure, communication, and accountability have helped in these large events. Fire, EMS, and EM’s welcome.
Pump Operations - 3 hours - Afternoon Session
3 hour - PM Only
North Marshall Fire Station
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